
纯植物手工芝士工坊回顾 | Vegan Cheese Workshop Review

维根咨询PBC 2019-05-23

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How was the Vegan Cheese Workop? Listen to a review from a non-vegan.


The Vegan Cheese Workshop was held in a quaint home on Lane 25 Taiyuan road. The home was decorated in a western fashion, clean and elegant. Stephanie, the instructor of the workshop, told us that the home belonged to a client of hers, who had enthusiastically allowed her to use the home for a vegan workshop. The area was quite spacious, allowing 10 people to fit comfortably. The kitchen was well designed, and the kitchenware was neat and tidy. However, it was a bit cramped when we were actually making the cheese.


The instructor, Stephanie, is a Hong Kong native. Her English was very fluent, and she had no issues communicating in Mandarin Chinese. She was very skilled in mastering the seasonings and time needed to make everything. The homemade cheese she shared with us was absolutely delicious. During the workshop, we learned to make garlic lemon nut cheese, tofu feta cheese, vegan Parmesan cheese as well as gluten-free, oil-free and sugar-free crackers. The techniques and ingredients used were very simple and perfect for those just starting out. A lack of staff made the workshop start off a bit bumpy, so hopefully it can be a little more efficient in the future.


Typically, the type of cheese I am used to is full of fat, egg, and milk. I didn't think that it was even possible to make cheese out of plants! It tasted very healthy, due to the fresh and organic ingredients such as herbs, olive oil and soy. The most delicious cheese was the homemade cheese she aged herself.


The tofu feta cheese had a very strong flavor. It tasted quite sour and salty, which is probably more suitable for Western cuisine. The taste of the aged vegan cheese tasted very close to traditional cheese, having achieved a mousse-like texture. I personally, felt it tasted just like cheese. Vegan cheese is more seasoned and has a better and more refreshing taste than regular cheese.


The ingredients used to make the cheese included lemon, chickpeas, miso paste, olive oil, garlic, nutritional yeast, etc., which are convenient to purchase. Stephanie also gave us suggestions on where to buy everything and the websites she uses.



I felt the price of the workshop was a bit high, but the techniques taught to make cheese are easy to practice and apply in the future, so I think the investment is worth it.


I would give the workshop 4/5 stars. The environment, instructor, and the other people who attended the workshop gave off a very comfortable and friendly vibe. There was a rich variety in the different plant-based cheeses, and it was easy to find a cheese suited to your taste. It is definitely a worthwhile workshop if you apply the techniques learned. This workshop would be perfect with some slight adjustments to the material preparation and teaching process.


All in all, I think vegan cheese has more of a rich and healthy taste than traditional cheese, especially the ingredients and seasonings used. When you eat regular cheese it's easy to taste the milk and egg, and how fatty it is. For those that want to eat lighter foods, and want to reduce their fat intake, I would say plant-based cheese is a better option.


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