
11岁少年从事维根生意成为英国最年轻CEO | 11 Year-Old Becomes UK’s Youngest CEO

维根咨询PBC 2019-08-01

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少年CEO Omari McQueen是一家植物基餐厅和纯素蘸酱公司的创始人,他已经成为英国最年轻的屡获殊荣的纯素厨师。

CEO youngster Omari McQueen, founder of the plant-based restaurant and vegan dip company, Dipalicious has become the youngest multi-award-winning vegan chef in the UK.

图片来源 Source: instagram @dipaliciousltd

11岁的Omari McQueen目前已成为世界上最年轻的获奖纯素厨师,他宣布在英国Croydon开启第一家快闪餐厅,营业时间为8月17日至24日。这家植物基餐厅推出的菜品将非常吸引眼球,比如烤菠萝蜜配面包果薯条和各种各样他自己秘制的胡椒粉蘸酱。在一次Vegnews的采访中,他提到创办公司的发心是“在不伤害动物的情况下,通过食物把人们聚集在一起”。

图片来源 Source: instagram @dipaliciousltd

Eleven-year-old Omari McQueen has announced his first pop-up restaurant in Croydon, UK, which will be held from August 17-24. The plant-based restaurant will offer eye-catching dishes such as BBQ Jackfruit with Breadfruit Chips and Pepper Fritters with a variety of his own personalized dips. In an interview with VegNews, he mentioned that the idea to launch this enterprise is to “bring people together through food without harming animals”.


图片来源 Source: instagram @dipaliciousltd

His fame started with a YouTube video in which he impressed the public with a vegan pizza using his own Caribbean dip, and this only at the age of seven! Thus, he launched the vegan dip company Dipalicious, which offers a variety of vegan dips, snacks, seasonings and drinks. But that is not all! He has reached out to other children and has inspired them to practice different cooking skills using a workshop from his home as a vehicle to share his knowledge.


" [He] has always had a passion for cooking but he started learning from the age of seven after I became ill with hemiplegic migraines. His father and I started to teach Omari and his older brother Laquarn how to cook meals to help me when I was unable to stand and his dad was working late," his website states (http://www.dipalicious.co.uk/). 


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