
2017-06-02 汉传法师

Hi 陌生人你好!

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Furthermore, even if a couple stays married and does not get divorced, the man will find a lover and the woman will also get a lover, out of revenge. They become dissatisfied with each other and mutually want to take revenge. They disturb the family until it breaks up and is no longer a real family. That's what happens if they don't get divorced. There are still some people who understand principle and do not get divorced or find lovers, but they are in the minority. The vast majority of the people are constantly getting divorced.


It seems to me that Chinese people are also picking up this trend. That's why I want to speak about the importance of the fundamentals of being a human being. We should quickly awaken from our confused dream. Don't dream about the West anymore. I used to think the West--the United States of America--was really great. But when I got there, I found out--I'll tell you the truth, and I'm not afraid if the Americans here oppose me--I think they are very stupid. What do you think? Did you hear about this trend in the United States before?


I have eighteen minutes left. After listening to my talk, if any of you have questions, you can ask them. I'll answer your questions now. I plan to stay until eight o'clock tonight. I say to you, whether you believe or not is up to you, because I have come with illness, to tell you about these experiences in my ineloquent way. Do you think they are of any benefit to the Chinese people? Everyone can think it over.


When you ask questions, I have one condition: Don't ask profound questions. I won't be able to answer them, because I don't have much learning and I don't have much wisdom. If you ask a profound question, it's best if I don't answer it. If I answer it incorrectly, then I have to be responsible for the cause and effect. You can ask simple questions about what you really don't understand, and we can discuss them together. I am also just a student and wish to learn from all of you. You should not think I know everything, for I really know nothing at all. If you ask questions, I will try my best to answer them. Do you understand? [Everyone: "Yes."]


Quickly! Those who ask questions should either write out or say their names. There are many people, so don't waste time. You should first give your full name, and then ask your question. If there is a microphone, please use it so that I can also hear it clearly. In my old age, my ears are going deaf and my vision is blurred, and I am no match for you young people, so please do not fight with me!


Q: Venerable Master, I lost my eyesight in a car crash, and often the vision of a lake of changing colors, with a waterfall in it, appears before me. I feel like a scuba diver wearing a bright lamp on my forehead. This experience occurs all the time, except when I am asleep. What should I do?


A: When you ask your question, don't make it an essay. Be brief and to the point. Don't be so long-winded, for my memory isn't that good anymore. By the time you finished asking your question, I already forgot most of it. What am I supposed to do?


Q: Venerable Master, my friend Su Jianming lost his eyesight in a car accident. He has seen all the best doctors, but none have been able to help him. I sincerely request the Venerable Master to advise him on a method to cure himself. Thank you.





A: You should recite Guanyin Bodhisattva's name. In the "Chapter on Guanyin Bodhisattva's Universal Door," there are four verses:

The pure, undefiled radiance

Of wisdom's sun destroys all darkness;

It dispels the calamities of wind and fire

And lights up the entire world.

The car accident you were in has to do with your past causes and their effects. In a previous life you may have blinded some living beings, or hunted birds, or put out the eyes of animals before you killed them, and so in this life you have to undergo the retribution. That's all there is to it.(待续 To be continued)





