
2017-06-11 汉传法师

Hi 陌生人你好!

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Q: How can we study and practice Buddhism without obstructions?


A: Is your teacher obstructing you? Even in the cultivation of Buddhism, you are bound to encounter obstructions. It all depends on whether or not you have concentration. If you have concentration and wisdom, you will be able to deal effectively with every situation, and not be obstructed by it. If you are very stupid, and you feel obstructed when a mosquito bites you or a fly kicks you, then there will be no end to your obstructions. You bring suffering and vexation upon yourself. You're just asking for trouble and obstructions.


Q: In cause and effect, which spans the past, present, and future, is the "I" who will receive the retribution in the future the same as the "I" who is creating karma in this life?


A: If you want to know the causes you planted in past lives, just look at what kind of retribution you are receiving in this life. Your present retribution is based on your past causes. If you want to know the retribution you will receive in the future, just look at what you are doing in this life. How your future turns out depends upon the karma you create in the present. For example, if you do a lot of killing, then you will have the retribution of a short life in your next life. If you do a lot of stealing, then you will be robbed by others in your next life.

(待续To be continued)




