
Welcome to FELINE FIX SHANGHAI 欢迎关注上海护喵团

维根咨询PBC 2019-05-27

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Let’s Introduce Ourselves!

We’re a group of animal lovers in Shanghai, who are dedicated to controlling the cat population and stopping the spread of feline diseases.


Shanghai is a beautiful place to live and work, but it also has its challenges. FFS looks after the cats that are left behind when their families move away, the ones who weren’t born in a happy home and were dumped on the streets, and the feral ones who have already lived in alleys and parks for generations.


TNR Saves Lives & Helps the Community

Most stray cats are young and ready to reproduce at 4 months of age. A cat colony grows fast and with overpopulation comes a lot of problems.

The caretakers who voluntarily feed the strays in their neighborhood are getting overwhelmed.



The only solution is Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR).

Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), the humane approach to addressing community cat population, works. It saves cats’ lives and is effective.

捕捉 - 绝育 - 放归(TNR),解决社区猫种群的人道方法,是很好的方法。它拯救了猫的生命,而且是有效的。

§ TNR improves the lives of cats,

§ addresses community concerns,

§ reduces complaints about cats,

§ and stops the breeding cycle. 

§ TNR改善猫咪的生活,

§ 解决社区问题,

§ 减少对猫的抱怨,

§ 停止繁殖循环。

TNR improves the co-existence between outdoor cats and humans in our shared environment. This is why so many cities around the world are adopting it.


Shanghai is ready to adopt

this approach as well!



           What is TNR ?         

In a Trap-Neuter-Return program, community cats are humanely trapped (with box traps), brought to a veterinarian to be spayed or neutered, vaccinated, ear tipped (the universal sign that a community cat has been neutered and vaccinated), and then returned to their outdoor home.

在捕捉 - 绝育 - 放归 (TNR)的过程种,社区猫被人道主义方式捕捉(用盒子式陷阱),带到兽医那里接受绝育、接种疫苗、做耳标(社区猫被绝育后和接种疫苗的普遍迹象),然后返回到他们原来的户外生活环境中。

Become a Feline Fix Friend

Feline Fix Shanghai is always seeking new and enthusiastic individuals and groups to add to our Feline Fix Friends Network.

You can join our WeChat group and stay updated about the TNR programs around town. You can start up a TNR program in your neighborhood and ask for advice and help in the group. Or you can be a volunteer in an existing program.



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