
端午节不能说“端午节快乐”?? | Why Can't We Say “Happy Dragonboat Festival!”?

维根咨询PBC 2019-06-07

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Duanwu (Dragonboat) Festival, is actually a day of sacrifice. There are three popular legends about this day. On this day Wu Zixu was thrown into the Qiantang River, Cao’E drowned in Cao’E river (renamed after her) trying to save her father—an act of filial piety, and Qu Yuan (a patriotic poet and loyal official of the state of Chu) committed suicide in the Miluo River.


The Legend of Cao'E


In Shaoxing, Zhejiang, people commemorate Cao'E’s rescue of her father during Dragon Boat Festival. Legend has it that Cao'E was a native of the Eastern Han Dynasty whose father drowned in the river. After several days passed without seeing his body, Cao'E, 14 at the time, cried by the river night after night searching for her father. On this day, she committed suicide by jumping into the river. Five days later, her body was found with her father in her arms. Later generations remembered this day by constructing Cao'E temple by the river Cao'E drowned in, in honor of her filial piety.


The Legend of Wu Zixu





Wu Zixu was from the State of Chu. The king ordered the execution of his father and brother, which forced him to seek refuge in the State of Wu. 

Wu Zixu assisted the king of Wu in conquering the Chu State and avenged the deaths of his father and brother. However, after the king died, his son Fuchai took the throne. Concerned with the safety of the kingdom, Wu Zixu advised the king to conquer the State of Yue, but Wu Zixu was unable to gain new king's trust. Instead the king listened to the rumor of an official who was bribed by the state of Yue. 

The king forced Wu Zixu to commit suicide on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month (Dragonboat Festival). 

Before he committed suicide, Wu Zixun was heard by his neighbors, telling the king to remove his eyes and hang them on the top of the city gate, so he could see the capture of Wu by Yue troops. When the king heard of this he was very angry and ordered Wu Zixu's body be thrown into a river near Suzhou.


The Legend of Qu Yuan




Qu Yuan advocated giving tribute to the sages, enriching the country and strengthening the army, and the main force united against the Qin. He was strongly opposed by the nobles and others. Qu Yuan was driven out of the capital and exiled. During his exile, he wrote poems such as Li Sao, Tian Wen, and Jiu Ge. 

The Qin army attacked the Chu State. Qu Yuan saw that his motherland was in distress and could not bear being away. On this day, after writing "Huai Sha", he grabbed onto a boulder and committed suicide by throwing himself into the Miluo River. 

In order to mourn his loss, people swayed on the river, which eventually turned into a dragonboat race. The people were also afraid that the fish would eat him, and brought rice balls wrapped in leaves and threw them in the river to prevent the fish and shrimp from eating Qu Yuan’s corpse. Later it became a tradition to eat these rice dumplings (粽子).


So, this is not a day to celebrate, as it is a tragic day. To greet people during Dragonboat Festival it is better to give them blessings, such as wishing someone “good health” : duānwǔ ānkāng.

Watch Chaniece from VoS attempt to make Zongzi (rice dumplings).


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