
2017-06-11 汉传法师

Hi 陌生人你好!

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Although the Chinese people like to study, they do not try to deepen their understanding. They invent something, but do not investigate it deeply, so after a long time, it is forgotten. There is historical evidence for this. During the Minor Han Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms Period, Zhuge Liang [a brilliant military strategist] built wooden horses and oxen that could transport food and supplies for the army without needing to eat hay or grain or to sleep. Although that technology has now been lost, it was also a scientific development.


In speaking of science, we must realize that the scientific research of five hundred years ago defined science a certain way, but that definition has changed after five hundred years. What was considered a scientific invention in the past is no longer used now. So the principles are endless and inexhaustible, and when we say there is progress, it does not mean that we invent something new. Even when there is no progress, the principle is always there. It is just that our wisdom and intelligence may not have reached that kind of state, and so we are unaware of that kind of science.


Computers are also a result of science, but nowadays everyone is infatuated with computers, and many are using them to make money. If you understand computers, you can make a lot of money, but if you don't, you might lose your job. Over ten years ago, I said that the computer ["electronic brain" in Chinese] cannot beat the "spiritual brain" which runs not on electricity, but on our own wisdom. If you have wisdom, then you can resolve any problem right away. Fools who lack wisdom cannot learn anything well. Each one of us has a spiritual brain. We don't need to go out and buy one. If we know how to use our spiritual brain, then it can surpass the electronic brain--the computer. However, those who study science today don't know about the spiritual brain, which is inherent in their own nature and need not be sought outside.


Philosophy deals with reason, with the study of what is logical and what is not. The more people study this kind of knowledge, the more muddled they become, until they grow old and die without having reached any conclusion in their studies. When they are reborn as people in their next life, they will have forgotten everything they studied previously and will have to start all over again. Science and philosophy exist by themselves, and there is no such thing as their progress or decline. Progress and decline are just discriminations that we make. As all of you scientists can tell, I am just speaking the words of an outsider.


What is true science? Not fighting is science; not being greedy is science; seeking nothing is science; being unselfish is true science; not pursuing personal profit is true philosophy, and so is not lying. If you have these six faults, then no matter how much research you do, you are just circling around on the surface. The more you study, the more muddled you get, and you will never get a handle on it. It never ends, but just goes on and on. Wouldn't it be better for us to return to the source and improve our spiritual brains? Then, without making a move, we would understand the universe. Nothing would be beyond our knowledge. As it is said, "one suddenly penetrates everything and understands all the inner, outer, coarse, and fine aspects of the myriad phenomena, as well as the overall great functioning of one's mind." If you can truly cultivate precepts, concentration, and wisdom, they are the fundamentals of science and philosophy. I'm afraid we have neglected them and paid no attention to them. We are just spinning in circles, round and round, unable to find a way out.(待续 To be continued)




